How To Spell Abundance

How To Spell Abundance Average ratng: 9,8/10 1074 reviews

Thanks so much for offering such a simple pagan spell for abundance! I could really use some monetary/financial abundance now. Most of the other pagan spells I looked up require candles, herbs - supplies I don't have the money for yet. I so appreciate this spell! Reply Delete.

  • Spells for money may seem a bit less glamorous than spells for love, but can be just as important (especially if your personal budget is running in the red right now).Don't expect money and riches to come raining down on you if you do one of these spells, they don't always work like that.
  • A Spell for Abundance. Posted by Bellisana 0 Comment(s) Spells From Pagan Realms, We’re coming up on the pagan New Year, and I don’t know about you, but I’m always good with having extra money. This week we have, so this week, here’s an abundance spell for you to add to your book of shadows if you wish.

Although technically the jar spells gained popularity in Hoodoo, a form of Haitian Voodoo, they are also used in some Wiccan spells. The Money Honey Abundance Jar Spell is a really powerful money spell, however, requires a bit more ingredients than the typical Wiccan spell. Despite requiring a few extra ingredients, the spell is so powerful that it is worth the effort!

Spell Ingredients:

  • (1) Mason Jar (or other sealable glass container)
  • (1 cup) Honey (local, unprocessed and unfiltered is best, but any will work)
  • (a few drops) of Egyptian Geranium oil
  • (a few drops) of Cedarwood oil
  • (1 tsp) Chamomile
  • (1 tsp) Irish moss or Jasmine
  • (1 tsp) Goldenseal or High John
  • (a pinch) of Basil
  • (a pinch) of Honeysuckle or Hollyhock
  • (1) Crystal (magnetite, green aventurine, emerald, or tiger’s eye work best, but clear quartz can be used alternatively)
  • (1) Patchouli oil (for burning) [optional]
  • (2) Green candles
  • and a Mortar and Pestle*

*You can always use a bowl and spoon instead, but it will be harder to crush ingredients together.

Spell Instructions

Precasting Instructions: Just like all other money and wealth castings, it is best to perform this spell on a full moon or a waxing moon. Although it is not required, this spell will be stronger if performed within a magic circle. In fact, for a really powerful money spell jar, cast a circle 3 times before beginning.

How Do You Say Abundance In Portuguese

Step 1: Light both of the green candles.

Step 2: Ignite the Patchouili oil, so that it is burning in the background.

Step 3: Pour the honey into the jar.

Step 4: Chant the words “This is my offering and in exchange I ask for wealth and prosperity,” repeatedly while you add the herbs, one by one, crushing them with the mortar and pestle (or your bowl and spoon).

Step 5: After all of the herbs are crushed and mixed together, add them slowly to the jar with the honey. If you have too much and it is overflowing, make sure the only thing that overflows is the honey, not the other ingredients. You do not want to lose ANY of the other ingredients.

Step 6: Chant the words “May the powers that be see a string of fortune and money for me” three times as you add the crystal to the spell jar.

Step 7: Chant the words “I seal this spell jar to attract the money I need to see, may the Universe bring it in abundance to me.”

Step 8: Seal the money jar spell tightly.

Step 9: Blow out the candles and extinguish the Patchouli (if chosen to use).

Step 10: Chant the words “So mote it be” and close your circle [if you chose to cast one – remember if you cast it three times, you need to uncast it three times before exiting the circle to prevent ruining the spell].

Step 11: Keep the Money Jar Spell somewhere near your purse, pocketbook, wallet or a bank statement until you see the money you seek manifest.

You can recast this spell, still using the chants, but keeping the same jar, same candles, and same crystal…but new herbs and honey.

Making the Spell Stronger

If you want to make this spell even stronger, you can heat the bottom of one of the candles with the other (instead of just extinguishing them) and you can stick the candle with the hot bottom onto the top of the jar, pressing it firmly down so it will dry and stick to the jar. If you choose to do this, blow out the candle NOT affixed to the jar, and allow the jar candle to burn all the way down. As this candle burns down, it will melt itself over the edges and down the sides of the jar…further amplifying the spell’s intention and power.


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[Total: 1 Average: 5]

Abundance spells are usually aboutbringing more money into your life, but it doesn't always have to beabout financial gain. Abundance is more generally about getting moreinto your life, and sometimes that can mean better luck or just moreopportunities for things.

I do already have a few abundancespells on the site, such as the Abundance Candle Spell and the Oak ofAbundance. You can check those out too.

Chalice of Plenty

Though most abundance magick is relatedto the element of Earth, a tool like a chalice can still be apowerful one to get the ball rolling (spiritually speaking). If youdon't have a proper altar chalice, feel free to use any fine-qualityglass or even a mug. Wine glasses work very nicely if you have one.

  • A chalice
  • Milk
  • Fresh sprig of basil
  • 3 smooth stones
  • Piece of white paper

How To You Spell Abundance

On the paper, draw three concentriccircles making sure the inner circle is large enough that you canplace the chalice there without going over the lines.

Fill your chalice or glass with milk,and drop the three stones in. Give them a second to settle to thebottom, then stir gently with the sprig of basil. With each stir, saythe words of the spell.

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Milk that flows,
Abundance grows,
Stones of three,
Drawn to me.

How To Spell Abundance

Set the basil in the chalice so atleast one leaf is sticking out and visible. Repeat the chant again.Leave everything sitting overnight, and in the morning, pour the milkoutside near a growing tree. Leave the stones and basil there aswell.

Draw the Cards


I am in the mood for another Tarotspell, using cards to draw that abundance energy into your spell. Ifyou don't have a Tarot deck, use a piece of paper and do your best toillustrate your own image based on a traditional Tarot deck.

  • The 10 of coins card
  • Green yarn or string
  • A dollar bill (or any denominationpaper money)

Fold up your dollar, and wrap it andthe Tarot card with a length of green yard. Wrap at least 3 timesaround before tying in a knot. Set the charm dollar-side-down on thealtar and hold both hands over it, palm down. Focus your thoughts onthe abundance you need (or want) and what you hope to accomplish ifthe spell is successful. Lower your hands to touch the tied card, andkeep concentrating. Repeat out loud:

By the cards, abundance brings
With success, my soul sings.

How To You Say Abundance

Continue to repeat the chant forseveral minutes. Then leave the charm sitting on the altar until thenext day. After that, take the money and spend it immediately onsomething that represents what you're hoping to get from this spell.

You can find similar abundance spells on the good fortune spells page, that can help you bring money, success and luck your way.